I’m back to blogging, and tonight I’m not here to talk lipstick and pastries.

After 7 months of straight silence on the blogosphere, I am thrilled to announce that I’m officially back in the game. While a considerable amount of time has passed since my last post, my time away from writing was not a conscious decision in the least. Rather, it was the reality that as a first […]

Dinner’s up! Make ratatouille like a pro

The tastes, sights, and smells of cherished recipes hold the power to transport us elsewhere. While always delicious, these dishes often incite the nostalgia of past times. Baking holiday cookies at Grandma’s, making chili for Sunday night football, drinking margaritas on the porch with homemade guac. Of course it’s about the food, but it’s also about everything else that goes with […]

The accessory that turns heads: whether you’re strutting to homeroom or down the Champs Elysées, this backpack is for you

With the reemergence of fabulous backpacks, we can put the “fashion over practicality” mantra to rest. This bag is ready to w o r k. Perfect for toting around all of your must-have items, you’ll never again suffer from sore shoulders. Hallelujah!